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Fahmi Darmawansyah (Agung Pambudhy/detikcom)

Jakarta - Direktur PT Melati Technofo Indonesia (MTI) Fahmi Darmawansyah menyebut adanya keterlibatan anggota DPR terkait penganggaran proyek pengadaan satelit monitoring di Badan Keamanan Laut (Bakamla).

Hal ini disampaikan Fahmi saat ditanya jaksa pada KPK dalam sidang pemeriksaan terdakwa di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor). Jaksa menanyakan sepak terjang Ali Fahmi alias Fahmi Habsyi terkait proses penganggaran proyek tersebut di parlemen.

"Pada proses penganggaran tahu nggak? Bahwa memang ada peran Ali Habsyi sama anggota DPR?" tanya jaksa kepada Fahmi dalam sidang di Pengadilan Tipikor, Jl Bungur Besar, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (3/5/2017).

"Tahu saya, Pak," jawab Fahmi.

"Bisa disebutkan nama DPR-nya siapa?" tanya jaksa KPK.

"Jadi itu ada Fayakhun (Fayakhun Andriadi, red), Bertu (Komisi XI Bertus Merlas, red) saya nggak kenal ini orang. Fayakhun saya kenal. Komisi I DPR, dapil DKI," bebernya.

Suami Inneke Koesherawati itu mengaku mengenal Fayakhun, yang merupakan anggota Komisi I DPR, rekanan TNI dan Kementerian Pertahanan. Fahmi juga menyebut hubungan Ali Fahmi dengan Fayakhun bermasalah.

"Yang saya tahu, Fayakhun di Komisi VIII pindah, balik lagi ke Komisi I. Yang saya tahu dia menangani TNI dan Kemhan. Terus saya tahu setelah ada kejadian Habsyi cerita dia ketemu Fayakhun. Setelah sekian lama saya melihat ada konflik di antara mereka, Fayakhun dengan Habsyi," kata Fahmi dalam persidangan.

"Jadi Saudara Fayakhun nge-WA Saudara Erwin (Managing Director PT Rohde and Schwarz Erwin S Ari, red) di-forward ke Saudara Dami, Saudara Dami forward ke saya," sambungnya.

Jaksa kemudian bertanya soal komunikasi antara Fayakhun dan Erwin. Fahmi membenarkan produsen ikut terlibat dalam penganggaran proyek satelit monitoring di Bakamla.

"Apakah ini ada WA-WA-nya, antara Fayakhun dan Erwin. Produsen ikut terlibat?" tanya jaksa KPK.

"Ya," jawab Fahmi singkat.

Fahmi membenarkan dirinya mendapat laporan bila dilakukan komunikasi Erwin dengan stafnya Mohammad Adami Oct. Fahmi mengamini ada kemungkinan aliran uang terkait pengadaan proyek satelit monitoring ke pihak lain.

"Ada nggak pemberian terkait pengadaan itu ke pihak lain?" tanya jaksa KPK. Porn Outdoor

"Mungkin ada, Pak," jawab Fahmi.

"Siapa?" tanya jaksa

"Fayakhun," kata Fahmi.

Hanya saja, Fahmi tidak tahu besaran nilai uang yang disetor ke anggota DPR itu. Dia menyebut uang tersebut digunakan anak buahnya untuk membantu memuluskan anggaran di DPR.

"Jadi Pak Habsyi ketemu sama Fayakhun. Setelah itu Dami atas laporan Habsyi sudah deal. Ditagihlah si Dami," urainya.

Jaksa kemudian mencecar Fahmi apakah dia menyetujui pemberian sejumlah uang, termasuk kepada anggota DPR. Dia menjawab hal itu dilakukannya karena percaya pada Ali Fahmi.

"Karena Ali Fahmi. Saya menghindari pertemuan ke Fahmi. Menurut Dami, saya kan laporannya dari Dami saja. Jadi Dami ada laporan dari Fahmi, Habsyi mintalah sama saya," bebernya.

Fahmi menyebut semua aliran uang dikelola oleh Mohammad Adami dan Hardy Stefanus. Dia mengaku hanya mendapat laporan dari karyawannya itu.

"Jadi kalau melihat kronologi permintaan, deal dengan supplier itu semua mereka. Saya cuma dikasih tahu saja, Pak," bebernya.

"Sampai detik ini kami belum dapat laporan," kata dia.

Baca Juga: Ada Nama Anggota DPR Disebut Dapat Jatah di BAP Suami Inneke

Dalam sidang 7 April 2017, nama sejumlah anggota Komisi XI disebut dalam sidang lanjutan pengadaan satelit monitoring. Nama para anggota Dewan itu muncul dalam berita acara pemeriksaan (BAP) Fahmi Darmawansyah.

"Di-BAP Saudara nomor 31 huruf C, 18 Januari 2017, Saudara berikan keterangan dari penyampaian Saudara Ali Fahmi alias Fahmi Habsyi bahwa peruntukan uang sebesar 6 persen dari nilai proyek satelit monitoring sebesar Rp 400 miliar, yang saya berikan kepada Ali Fahmi alias Fahmi Al Habsyi, adalah untuk urus proyek satelit monitoring Bakamla tersebut melalui Balitbang PDIP Saudari Eva Sundari," ucap jaksa KPK Kiki Ahmad Yani membacakan BAP Fahmi yang duduk sebagai saksi dalam sidang di PN Tipikor Jakarta, Jalan Bungur Besar Raya, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (7/4/2017).

Dalam surat dakwaan, Ali Fahmi disebut sebagai narasumber bidang perencanaan dan anggaran Kepala Bakamla (Kabakamla) Arie Soedewo. Ali Fahmi disebut meminta fee 6 persen dari total proyek untuk diberikan kepada para anggota Komisi XI DPR, yang disebut-sebut dapat membantu memuluskan anggaran proyek satelit monitoring.

Baca Juga: Kasus Bakamla, KPK Panggil Anggota DPR Fayakhun Andriadi

KPK juga pernah memeriksa Fayakhun pada Selasa, 25 April 2017. Setelah menjalani pemeriksaan, Fayakhun irit bicara. Dia hanya mengaku seluruh pertanyaan dari penyidik KPK telah dijawab.

"Saya sudah bertemu dengan pemeriksa, sudah menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan," kata Fayakhun di KPK.

Bos MTI Sebut Anggota DPR Fayakhun Diduga Terima Duit Proyek Bakamla


Ilustrasi Logam Mulia (iStockphoto), New York - Harga emas sentuh level terendah secara mingguan seiring dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) yang menguat. Ketegangan antara AS dan Korea Utara dan pemilihan Prancis dan Inggris menjadi sentimen di pasar.

Pemilihan Prancis dan Inggris berdampak ke ekonomi Eropa sehingga juga mendorong permintaan investor terhadap logam mulia dalam beberapa hari ini. Harga emas mencetak kenaikan berturut-turut dalam lima sesi pada perdagangan Selasa kemarin.

Namun pada perdagangan Rabu (Kamis pagi WIB)), harga emas turun US$ 10,70 atau 0,8 persen menjadi US$ 1.283,40 per ounce. Perdagangan yang bergejolak membuat harga emas belum tembus level US$ 1.300 per ounce.

Ketidakpastian Geopolitik Bakal Picu Harga Emas Menguat Terbatas
Komentar Donald Trump Angkat Harga Emas
Ketegangan Geopolitik Masih Jadi Pendorong Kenaikan Harga Emas

Pada awal perdagangan, harga emas cenderung tertekan terutama usai rilis bank sentral Amerika Serikat atau the Federal Reserve. Indeks dolar AS pun naik 0,2 persen menjadi 99,71. Demikian mengutip laman Marketwatch, Kamis (20/4/2017).

Sementara itu, pasar saham dan aset investasi berisiko cenderung variasi. Harga minyak pun melemah usai pasokan bensin secara mengejutkan naik.

"Pada akhirnya kami perkirakan dolar AS reli dapat berlanjut seiring pasar mulai fokus pada pertumbuhan AS lebih kuat didorong pengeluaran belanja sehingga mendorong inflasi lebih tinggi," kata Analis Morgan Stanley.

Namun, pertimbangan global juga menjadi fokus utama. Lantaran ketidakpastian politik dapat mendorong permintaan untuk investasi yang kurang berisiko.

Julian Philips, Pendiri menuturkan, pihaknya juga tidak yakin harga emas telah memperhitungan ketidakpastian pemilihan di Prancis dan Jerman.

Dolar AS Reli Picu Harga Emas Tertekan

Sebahagian pelajar sekolah yang ditahan Briged Komuniti Saujana Utama di kawasan perumahan berkenaan dalam Ops Ponteng baru-baru ini.
(Ubah saiz teks)

PETALING JAYA: Anda sedang diperhatikan. Demikian amaran kepada pelajar yang gemar ponteng sekolah di kawasan perumahan Saujana Utama, Sungai Buloh kerana ada 'mata' dan 'telinga' sentiasa mengawasi pergerakan mereka.

Dua sekolah di Selangor ini melibatkan Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Saujana Utama dan Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Saujana Utama.

Sejak dilancarkan akhir Mac lalu, Ops Ponteng, Briged Komuniti Saujana Utama digerakkan dengan kerjasama pihak sekolah, masyarakat setempat, Majlis Daerah Kuala Selangor (MDKS), Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PPD) Kuala Selangor, selain polis, Rela serta nazir masjid dan surau di kawasan Saujana Utama.

Yang Dipertua Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) bagi dua sekolah tersebut, Roslan Ismail berkata, setakat ini, empat operasi telah dijalankan secara bersepadu dan 'ad hoc'.

"Seramai 19 pelajar ditangkap di sekitar kawasan perumahan ini kerana ponteng sekolah," katanya kepada mStar Online.

Roslan yang mengetuai pasukan itu berkata, kebanyakan pelajar yang ditangkap ponteng masih berpakaian seragam dan baju sukan sekolah, dikesan di beberapa kawasan seperti kedai, masjid, surau, tepi jalan sehingga ke tangki air.PornHD

"Pelajar yang ditangkap dibawa ke sekolah yang kemudiannya guru disiplin akan memaklumkan kepada ibu bapa mengenai anak mereka," katanya.

Menurutnya, amaran termasuk kaunseling adalah hukuman peringkat awal bagi kesalahan pertama pelajar ponteng dan kesalahan seterusnya akan diputuskan lembaga tatatertib sekolah.

Katanya lagi, Ops Ponteng itu bagi membantu mencapai kadar kehadiran sekolah 95 peratus yang ditetapkan Kementerian Pendidikan di mana SK Saujana Utama mencatatkan lebih 95 peratus kehadiran, manakala SMK Saujana Utama kira-kira 94 peratus.

"Angka bukan ukuran, kami tetap merangka usaha untuk menangani isu ponteng sekolah kerana ia boleh memberi kesan kepada pembelajaran dan masa depan pelajar.

"Pendekatan yang dilaksanakan Briged Komuniti Saujana Utama ini diharap dapat membantu menaikkan kadar kehadiran kepada lebih 95 peratus," ujar Roslan.

Mengenai Briged Komuniti, Roslan berkata, ia dapat memupuk semangat kerjasama masyarakat yang prihatin dalam menangani masalah ponteng.

"Kita mahu semua pihak terlibat bersama-sama menyalurkan maklumat mengenai pelajar ponteng, tanpa mengira anak siapa," katanya sambil menambah bahawa orang ramai boleh menyalurkan maklumat menerusi talian hotline selain 'WhatsApp group' dan Facebook.

Selain itu katanya, ia turut mahu mendidik pelajar supaya mempunyai semangat untuk datang ke sekolah dan belajar bersungguh-sungguh demi kebaikan masa depan.

Tambah Roslan, selain ponteng, pasukan yang ditubuhkan itu juga menumpukan masalah disiplin seperti vandalisme, melepak dan merokok.

Bagaimanapun beliau menegaskan, Ops Ponteng yang dijalankan dari semasa ke semasa itu tidak terhad kepada pelajar SMK Saujana Utama dan SK Saujana Utama sahaja.

"Selagi mereka adalah pelajar walaupun dari sekolah lain dan dikesan ponteng di kawasan sekitar, kita akan tangkap," katanya.

Ponteng: Awas! Anda Sedang Diperhatikan

From Jesse Mulligan, 1–4pm, 3:03 pm on 14 March 2017
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An American novelist who travelled to a lost city deep in the Honduran jungle contracted a flesh eating disease as a result – but says it was all worth it.

Legends and stories of a lost city in the jungles of Honduras in Central America had intrigued explorers for the past 500 years and crime novelist Douglas Preston joined an expedition armed with modern technology to find it.

Chris Fisher (behind), the expedition’s chief archeologist, and the author explore the unnamed river flowing through the valley of T1 below the ruins.” Photo credit: Credit to Dave Yoder/ National Geographic Magazine

Theodore Morde traveling up to the Patuca River by motorized pitman, or dugout canoe, Mosquitia, Honduras, 1940.” Photo credit: no credit

Chris Fisher exploring the ruins using a Trimble GPS. This photograph was taken at the main central plaza of the lost city, surrounded by mounds and an earthen pyramid. The incredible thickness of the jungle obscured everything.” Photo credit: Douglas Preston

A fer-de-lance, one of the world’s deadliest snakes, entered the camp the first night and had to be killed. Its fangs were over an inch long. The head was tied to a tree in camp by an expedition leader to impress on everyone the high risk of snakes.” Photo credit: Douglas Preston

Sam Glassmire’s hand-drawn map showing the location of the “Lost City” he discovered on an expedition in 1960.” Photo credit: Bonita Brody Stewart

Doug Preston (Image: Mark Adams)

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He’s now written a book about it, called The Lost City of the Monkey God.

Preston told RNZ’s Jesse Mulligan the story began 20 years ago when he met Steve Elkins, who believed in the lost city and said he intended to film it.

“I was pretty sure he was not going to find anything. But he spent, you know, 15 years on this search and finally in 2012, using this very advanced technology called LIDAR, which cost $1 million, actually found a lost city in one of the last scientifically unexplored places on the surface of the earth.”

He said Elkins was the latest in a long line of people to have searched for the city, which was made famous in a letter 500 years ago penned by a conquistador Cortez to the Emperor Charles V

“He said that he’d received very reliable reports of an extremely wealthy civilisation in the mountainous interior of the country and that he intended someday to explore it and conquer it.

But Preston says he never did explore in the interior and the legends surrounding the lost city began.

The city was rumoured to be in an area of Honduras called La Mosquitia, which has some of the thickest jungle in the world.

“Inside these mountain ranges there are valleys that have never been explored, so many people thought, well in one of these valleys maybe there’s a lost city.”

After eventually being granted permission to complete an aerial survey, the LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology revealed signs of the famed city.

“You didn’t have to be an archaeologist to see pyramids, a great earthworks, houses, terracing, all kinds of man-made structures underneath, hidden in the jungle.”

In 2015, Preston was then part of a joint Hunduran-American expedition into the city.

“This valley, being one of the last unexplored surfaces on earth, it turns out that it had not seen human entry in 500 years, including indigenous people.”

He says the animals had no fear of people as they’d never seen them before

“We had jaguars prowling about our tents at night… we had monkeys that were extremely curious about us that came down out of the trees.”
Jav Gay

He says the city had been part of a great civilisation that grew up along the frontier of the Maya, but was not Mayan itself.

“We don’t have any idea where they came from, we have very little idea of how they transformed this really hostile jungle environment into a kind of Garden of Eden.”

Arriving at the city was somewhat of a disappointment as the jungle was so thick they couldn’t see what they were looking at.

“You’re standing in the Times Square of this city, with pyramids all around you, with great earthworks that’s all been levelled and paved, and the jungle is so thick that all you’re looking at are leaves.”

He says there were numerous artefacts in the city, including 500 beautiful stone sculptures which had been left at the base of one of the pyramids.

The city’s inhabitants suddenly vanished 500 years ago, likely due to illnesses brought to the shores of Honduras by Europeans.

“Measles and small pox completely destroyed this civilisation, even though they never came in contact with Europeans.”

While Preston says it was slightly tragic to bring human contact to a place that had been so isolated, it could also help preserve the city.

“The Hondurans who were with us estimated that within 10 years the illegal clear-cutting would have reached the entrance to this valley and that this ruin would have been looted.”

Because of the city’s discovery, the Honduran government has taken positive steps to stop the illegal logging, mainly because of cattle ranching in the area.

Preston says the expedition group had been told that anyone who visited the city would fall ill and die, and after they returned from their trip around two-thirds of them became sick.

“It turned out we had contracted a deadly and incurable tropical disease in the rain forest called Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis and once again, here’s a situation where the legend has turned out to be based in the truth.”

He says all the Americans that had been on the expedition were treated by the National Institutes of Health, because they had contracted a new form of the disease, which is unfortunately very deadly.

“But we’re getting great medical care, and the disease in most of us has been beaten back.”

While Preston says it was all worth it, he’s happy to be home.

“I’m very happy to be sitting by the fire in the evening and sipping a glass of wine and not being eaten alive by bugs in the jungle.”

Lost city of the Monkey God

"It happens every time. What am I paying for?"



16:59, 9 MAR 2017
UPDATED17:55, 9 MAR 2017
They're not always this full (Photo: Getty Images)


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Most fast-food customers will have had a disappointing realisation once they got their orders home and inspected them.

It's the nature of the 'fast' bit of the food preparation that things are missed or mistakes are made - it's inevitable.

But customers are getting really fed up of being met with the same issue when they go to McDonald's, and it's been happening for years all over the world.

Fast-food lovers going for the 'large' meal option seem to be particularly peeved because they feel like they're paying more money only to be cheated.

Yes, it's that age-old issue of half empty fries.

If you think you're the only one who's been a bit miffed their fries carton isn't filled all the way to the top, think again.

Back in the day we would even be asked if we wanted to 'supersize' our meals, until McDonald's realised it was probably a bad idea to give people the option of massive portion sizes.

It happens so often that you would assume McDonald's are oblivious to the issue - otherwise they surely would have repeatedly told their staff to fill the boxes properly?

We asked McDonald's UK for comment on the problem - scroll down past a few examples to find out what they had to say.

So I ask for a large fries from @McDonalds and this is what I get.... large box half empty. Happens everytime.— Marcus Hernandez (@MarcusH_22) January 10, 2017

When your 'large fries' comes empty af @McDonalds— T (@tialee88) December 15, 2016

Just got home,got my @McDGreaterSA large fries and this is what I get, looks half empty,what am I paying for? Not cool @McDonalds , not cool— LC (@nexuser87) February 23, 2017

@McDonalds This is what i always get for "medium" fries at the 4180 SW 9th St Miami FL location. Always half empty and old and cold.— Manny (@FurukawaXIV) December 28, 2016

Bout to sue McDonald's Cus my fries always half empty— R.I.P Will (@kellboogie_) October 25, 2016

And it happens all over the world

i paid $1.89 for half empty large fries STOP slacking @McDonalds— ㅤg. (@tallvader) December 15, 2016

Ordered a large fries take-away at mcdonalds, got home, half of it was empty, such a disappointment @mcdonaldsindia— Japneet Singh (@Japzzzz) December 14, 2016

It's been going on forever

@McDonalds any chance of teaching your staff to fill fries cartons to the top please?? Always half empty!!!!!!— Adam Stancey (@adamstancey) July 31, 2015

@McDonaldsUK This was your so called large fries served at Tonypandy today. Why did I waste my money. #McDonalds— Daniel (@daniel3144) November 18, 2015

Thanks McDonald's I had no idea ten fries were now what you sell as a large fry. @McDonalds waste of my money. >_<— Maria (@The_Real_Maria) January 7, 2016

Yesterday Kayleigh Mackay posted a photo of her half-empty fries on the McDonald's Facebook page, saying: "Just curious is this normal practice? Not the 1st (sic) time either! What's the point in asking and paying for a large to be hit with this eh?

"Pretty certain that wouldn't even cover a medium."

Another customer commented: "I always check at the window before I leave and if it half full I give it back and ask for large chips must think I'm a cow but it does my head in."

A McDonald’s spokesperson said: “There is no policy in place which suggests French Fries should be served in a carton that is anything less than full. Customer service and experience is one of our top priorities and we are always disappointed to hear when our food falls short of customer’s expectations and our high standards.”

When asked what customers should do if they believe their fries portion to be sub-standard, a spokesperson said McDonald's would recommend they either address it with the restaurant at the time of sale or complain via customer services.

Or, you know, you can just post it on Twitter like everyone else. The real question is, are the fries half empty or half full?

McDonald's customers are getting fed up of making the same complaint about fries

Participants will have to survive nine months of 'hell' in the harsh wilderness, facing everything from wild bears to wolves



17:38, 9 MAR 2017
UPDATED12:37, 10 MAR 2017


WATCH NEXTToddler snatched from restaurant is tracked down WOMAN ASKS FOR VOTES FOR 'REAL LIFE HUNGER GAMES' SHOW


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A shocking real life Hunger Games -style TV show is set to start filming this July.

Set on a remote Siberian Island, organisers of the controversial show say they will not intervene with the contestants should horrific scenes such as rape and murder play out.

Players will be armed with knives and could face nine months of hell as they tackle bears, wolves and vicious gnats on the Ob River and its surrounding wilderness.

Producers claim not even the birth of a baby would make them halt play.

Despite the controversial rules, play is set to begin in just four months time.

Woman on set holds a huge bear's paw

The Russian Hunger Games-style contest throws a team into complete wilderness for nine months

Woman on set

Temperatures will range between plus 35C in summer and minus 50C in winter, while potential gamers - from a secret serviceman to a "professional blonde" - will have only a single set of cold weather clothes to survive the intense frost.

The "anything goes" show will be filmed on 2,000 fixed cameras and broadcast live 24/7 on the web in various languages including English.

Organisers admitted today that they will not intervene to stop even rape or murder, but stressed participants will be liable to the full force of the Russian law for criminal offences.

After an earlier outcry, the Russian team behind the show removed a "rule" which openly stated: 'Everything is allowed. Fighting, alcohol, murder, rape, smoking, anything.'
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But when asked in a report today if he will intervene if there is "physical violence, rape, a murder", millionaire organiser Yevgeny Pyatkovsky, 35, told The Siberian Times: "No, we won't."

He added: "I am pretty sure there will be fights, and more.

"We are not scared of negative reaction if that happens either."

The series is set in the Siberian wilderness

Organisers say not even the birth of a baby would stop play

The show is based on hit film The Hunger Games

But he insisted it would be made clear to the international participants ahead of the show "that punishment will follow according to the Russian Criminal Code".

Equally, Pyatkovsky has said: "We will refuse any claim of participants even if they were to be killed or raped.

"We will have nothing to do with this. This will be spelled out in a document to be signed by the participant before the start of the show."

There are also no rules restricting sex between the participants.

Pyatkovsky added: "We will not intervene into relations between participants nor monitor their sexual life either, and our cameras will not be able to follow every move in every corner of the island.

"They are free to form any couple or union, and there is no limits or rules regarding sex .

"If a woman falls pregnant - and manages to carry the baby - that's fine with us.

"We will show the baby after the project is over."
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The 3.5 square miles island is in remote Tomsk region - and participants will have to fish, in winter through ice holes, to catch food to survive.

Filming is set to begin in July

Pyatkovsky said: "It gets to minus 50C in winter, and it is infested with brown bears.

"This area of Siberia always has lots of bears, but recently numbers doubled because more animals migrated from the north of Krasnoyarsk region, pushed away by wildfires."

Conditions would be more testing than on any TV reality game show, he added.

When filming starts "brown bears will be at the end of their mating season. Days after they calm down a bit, the biting gnats will arrive".

Game organisers will seek to evacuate contestants attacked by bears - but he warned they may not to act in time as bears can run at almost 40 mph.
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"This is the raw Siberian taiga: anything can happen, and we might not be on time to solve an emergency," Pyatkovsky added.

"The participants will have knives only, no guns will be allowed.

"We will give one set of clothes to every participant and it must last till the end of the show."

Experts will give a short training course in " how to behave when you meet a wild bear", but the gamers will also face challenges such as their island being invaded by "escapees from a local prison".

More than 300 applicants are on a shortlist for the harsh adventure and internet voters will decide who takes part.

Shocking real-life Hunger Games where rape and murder are allowed will launch in July

Thousands will visit this weekend's party for all things deceased, inspired by the bizarre tale of a grandad cryogenically frozen alone in a Colorado shed



20:38, 9 MAR 2017
UPDATED01:25, 10 MAR 2017
'There's something very Monty Python' about Frozen Dead Guy Days in Colorado, USA


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It may be the dead of winter and there’s more than a good chance of finding a frozen stiff, but that won’t deter thousands of festival-goers from celebrating life this weekend surrounded by corpses, coffins and all things deceased.

After all, this annual festival was inspired by a former Norwegian grandad who, by a bizarre twist of fate, ended up being cryogenically frozen alone in a shed in the US state of Colorado.

This icy resident was the inspiration for the three-day event which, from today, will see 20,000 people invade the town of Nederland. Population: 1,800.

And what do they do when they get there? They revel in the joy of being alive by acknowledging death in playing strange games and major partying.
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Norwegian grandad Bredo Morstøl, who died in 1989, is the star of the Colorado event (Photo: Eyevine)

“It’s like a weird mix of Halloween and the Winter Olympics,” says organiser Amanda MacDonald. “There is something very Monty Python about it isn’t there? Just the name – ‘The Frozen Dead Guy Days.’

“It’s certainly unique. The frozen turkey bowling is a firm favourite.

“One of the funniest things is the frozen T-shirt contest. The competitors get handed something as hard as a brick and they have to smash it up and get it on as quickly as possible. Some of them are bleeding by the end.”
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Some of the activities are designed to test essential skills, like tossing frozen salmon, while others are all about showmanship – the fancy-dress dives into the icy plunge pool are a must-see.

Another favourite is the Newly Dead Game, a variation on the “Mr & Mrs” gameshow where contestants are tested on how much they know about their partners’ wishes once they’ve passed away.
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The festival is likened to a cross between Halloween and the Winter Olympics (Photo: Anne & Bill Holland)

In the hearse parade, contestants try to create the most imaginative decorations for these macabre vehicles. But the biggest draw is the coffin races, which involve teams carrying a passenger inside, well, a coffin.

“The teams usually come up with unusual fancy-dress themes,” says Amanda, “depending on what’s going on at the time. This year we’re expecting to see Trump appear quite a lot, but we hope not. We thought about doing a ‘Dunk Trump’ dunk tank but that’s not really what the festival's about.

“It’s not about our differences, but what we have in common – and death’s gonna come to all of us, right? Death trumps everything.”

Even the controversial President can’t eclipse the star of this event – Bredo Morstøl, who was 89 when he suffered a fatal heart attack in 1989.
Cryogenics is robbing the dying of their dignity - it's deceit and extortion

Bredo's frozen corpse is the bizarre starting point for the festival (Photo: Rex Features)

His grandson, Trygve Bauge, was travelling in the US when he heard about the death. He’s a hippy and a strong believer in the science of cryogenics.

“The will to live is the very essence of life. If this is thwarted, we cannot be happy, we cannot be anything,” Trygve said. “This is the highest goal for any individual.”

So he asked his mother Aud to ship her father across the Atlantic on dry ice, before he was stored, from 1990 to 1993, at a cryogenics centre near San Francisco.

Mother and son then decided to build their own cryogenic chamber in the Colorado town, nestling high in the Rocky Mountains. As a summer destination for many hippies, Trygve, then 31, knew it well and thought it the perfect tranquil resting place.
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When Bredo's family had to leave America, locals in Colorado stepped in to keep his body preserved

Unfortunately, shortly after he built the chamber, Trygve was deported because he didn’t have a visa. Then his mother was evicted from her home. They had little choice but to leave Bredo behind.

The shack containing Bredo started to fall apart, but people in the surrounding area came to the rescue. A local Tuff Shed supplier gave him a new protective shell and a local man, ecologist Bo Shaffer kept it topped up with dry ice.

Around this time, the local Chamber of Commerce were trying to organise some kind of winter carnival.

“Then someone on the chamber said, ‘Well, we’re known as the town with the frozen dead guy, why don’t we just have The Frozen Dead Guy Festival?’”

Nederland, population 1,800, now hosts a winter carnival and world-class music event for 20,000 people

The first took place in 2001 and they have gone from strength to strength. It is now a world-class music event in its own right. Last year saw the biggest bash, with 20,000 festival-goers.

Over the last 16 years a myth has grown that Trygve and Aud disapprove of the event, believing it to be in poor taste. But Amanda insists this couldn’t be further from the truth.

“In 2005 the chamber wrote to Aud and she came across and was actually marshall for one of the parades.” she says. “We’re also in touch with Trygve and he’s said he’d like us to restart the tours of the shed which were stopped for years.

“It’s not distasteful in any way. We don’t use Mr Morstøl’s name or his likeness. His story’s just the starting point for the festival.

Cars proceed up main street for the procession of the Frozen Dead Guy Days Parade in Nederland, Colorado (Photo: Alamy)

"It’s about enjoying being alive by celebrating death.

“Importantly it’s also put the town on the map. Initially I think quite a few people were annoyed by being known for such a thing but in time it’s became a great way to keep the town’s businesses going during the winter months.”

There’s still the danger that Trygve, now 59, may still come back to collect his grandfather. So would Amanda, and the town he made famous, try to stop him?
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Trygve Bauge, whose desire to cryogenically freeze his grandad has had unexpected results

“Definitely not, we’d have to respect his wishes,” she says. “But whether he’s still in the town or not, it doesn’t really matter too much, the festival’s really its own separate entity now.

“Besides it would just be a reason to have another big party, this time a farewell party. But we’d still being having the Frozen Dead Guy Days.”

Enjoying being alive by celebrating death' at the Frozen Dead Guy festival